讲座题目:Across-Country Wage Compression in Multinationals
摘要:Many employers link wages at the firm’s establishments outside of the home region to the level at headquarters. Multinationals that anchor-to-the-headquarters also transmit wage changes arising from shocks to minimum wages and exchange rates in the home country/state, to their foreign establishments. Such multinationals fire more low-skill workers and hire fewer new workers abroad after a permanent (minimum wage-induced) foreign establishment wage increase originating in shocks to headquarter wages, but not after a temporary (exchange rate-induced) one. We show this using data on 1,060 multinationals’ establishments across the world and in employee-level data on the same employers’ establishments in Brazil.
主讲人:黎璇 助理教授(香港科技大学)
讲座方式:线上腾讯会议 ID:350 734 429 会议密码:0519
主持人:邹先强 助理教授
Xuan Li (黎璇) is an assistant Professor of Economics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is a labor economist with research interests in organizational economics and economics of education.