讲座题目:Public Education and Population Control Policies in A Model of the Quality-Quantity Tradeoff
摘要:In this paper, we develop an overlapping generations model in which parents jointly make the decisions of fertility and children’s education, and use it to evaluate the impact of public education and population control policies on economic development and income inequality. We argue that public education and population control have important interactions in this quality-quantity framework. We find that population control in general increases GDP growth while the effect of public education is ambiguous. In addition, both policies could reduce income inequality. Lastly, we calibrate our model to the Chinese economy, and use the calibrated model to quantitatively evaluate the joint impact of China’s one child policy and nine-year compulsory education policy. We find that they together account for a substantial fraction of China’s high growth rate in the past decades.
主讲人:孙伟 副教授(中国人民大学)
线上腾讯会议ID:232 100 220 会议密码:0526
主持人:刘相波 副教授
Prof. Wei Sun is an Associate Professor at Renmin University of China. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Boston College. His research focuses on public economics and insurance, specialized in retirement studies. In addition, he is interested in general evaluations of public policies regarding education, health and population. He is familiar with the U.S. and China’s Social Security system. Funded by Social Security Administration (SSA) and America Association of Retired Persons (AARP), he has several research projects that evaluated the current programs and proposed potential future reforms. His work has been published in academic journals such as Journal of Risk and Insurance and he is on the editorial board of the Journal of Retirement.