



劳动经济学双周学术论坛第163期讲座通知 发布时间:2021.09.16

讲座题目:Workplace Routinization and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment

摘要:Women used to lag behind but now exceed men in college enrollment. In this paper, we argue that changes in non-college job prospects contributed to the reversal of the college gender gap over time. We first document that routine-biased technical change disproportionately displaced non-college occupations held by women. We explore whether these lower non-college job prospects for women increased female enrollment using a shift-share instrument for the impact of routinization. This approach estimates that a 1 percentage point decline in the share of routine task intensive jobs leads to a 0.58-0.61 percentage point rise in female college enrollment, while the effect for male enrollment is directionally smaller at 0.44 percentage points and not systematically significant. We next embed this instrumental variable approach into a dynamic model that links education and occupation choices. The model finds that routinization decreased the returns to occupations dominated by non-college women, leading more women to shift to cognitive work and increasing their college premium. Altogether, our model estimates that workplace routinization accounted for 67% of the growth in female enrollment between 1980 to 2000.

主讲人:章维龙 助理教授(剑桥大学


讲座方式:线上腾讯会议ID:850 340 156 会议密码:0929


主持人:刘相波 教授



Dr. Weilong Zhang is an assistant professor at the faculty of economics, University of Cambridge. He received a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Pennsylvania, and a Master in Economics and a BA in Mathematics from the Renmin University of China. His current research focuses on the gender gap both in the labour market and within the household. He also has broadly interested in the general evaluation of education policies and labour market policies. He has published several papers in top journals, including European Economic Review, Quantitative Economics.