



劳动经济学双周学术论坛第170期讲座通知 发布时间:2022.04.14

讲座题目:What Determines Personal Credit? Place- and Person-based Factors

摘要:Personal credit is one of the most important elements of social credit. Internet personal credit becomes more important as the online business becomes more important for the economy and individuals’ life. We exploit the internet credit score provided by the most influential credit company, Zhima Credit Management Co, and find that personal credit score varies widely across different cities in China. It is valuable to know how much of the geographic variation how much comes from place effect, and how much comes from personal effect, that is the difference in individuals’ characteristics or behavior. We estimate the place effect based on the event study on the change in credit score around moves. We find that the place-based component accounts for about 20% of the geographic variation in personal credit between cities, while person-based component accounts for the remaining 80%. The results are quite robust. And there is significant heterogeneity: place-based factors play a bigger role among male residents, older generation residents, or residents with higher historical scores. We also find that cities with a higher GDP growth rate, a lower unemployment rate, and a higher digitization level are associated with a higher place effect.



讲座方式:线上腾讯会议 ID:411267121






吴斌珍目前是清华大学经管学院经济系长聘副教授。研究领域包括公共经济学、发展经济学、应用微观经济学。2006年获威斯康星大学麦迪迅分校经济学博士。在Games and Economics Behavior、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Economic Perspectives、Journal of Comparative Economics、Economic Development and Cultural Change、China Quarterly等国际期刊和《经济研究》《中国社会科学》《经济学季刊》等国内期刊发表过学术论文。主持过国家自科面上基金,青年基金,多个部委委托课题,以及清华大学自助的科研项目。目前担任经济管理学院经济系副系主任和清华大学财政税收研究所副所长。