



劳动经济学双周学术论坛第168期讲座通知 发布时间:2021.11.12

讲座题目:Heterogeneity in the Multidimensional Child Quality-Quantity Trade-off and Its Consequences for Intergenerational Mobility

摘要:This paper studies the heterogeneity in the trade-off between child quantity and different dimensions of child quality. I test how parents adjust investments in their firstborn children's health, education, and wealth in response to changes in child quantity. I then check whether there is heterogeneity across parental occupations for each dimension of child quality. To identify an exogenous change in child quantity, I use variation in the strictness of fertility restrictions in rural China. I find that stricter fertility restrictions reduce the number of siblings and improve the health of all children with parents in different occupations. But the impacts on other dimensions of child quality vary significantly by parental occupation. In response to stricter fertility restrictions, only parents in high-skill occupations invest more in their firstborn children's education. Farmers pass on more land, while low-skill workers transfer more financial and housing assets to their firstborn children. The heterogeneous responses to a reduction in child quantity have consequences for labor market outcomes and intergenerational income mobility. While children of farmers and low-skill workers experience little change in labor market outcomes, children of high-skill workers are more likely to work in a high-skill job and earn a higher income when having fewer siblings.

主讲人:肖韫 博士阿姆斯特丹大学


讲座方式:线上腾讯会议 ID:985 244 926


主持人:赵丽秋 教授


报名链接: //www.wjx.top/vj/eb4b3wk.aspx


肖韫,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学博士候选人,主要研究方向为应用微观经济学、劳动经济学和家庭经济学,研究兴趣包括人力资本发展,生育政策和代际流动性。目前已在Journal of Human Resources,Journal of Population Economics以及Journal of Comparative Economics发表多篇文章。