5th RUC-GLO joint research conference on Chinese Labor Markets |
Beijing Time: 9:30-16:30 |
December 2 (Friday), 2022 |
Beijing time |
9:35-9:40 |
Opening Remarks Zhong Zhao (Renmin University of China & GLO) Group Photo
Session I (Chair: Xianqiang Zou, Renmin University of China & GLO) |
9:40-10:10 |
Gender Differences in Reactions to Failure in High-Stakes Competition: Evidence from the National College Entrance Exam Retakes |
Ziteng Lei (Renmin University of China ) |
10:10-10:40 |
Cutting Cakes and Making Cakes: Experiment Evidence for Financial Education and Labor Supply of Rural Women in China |
Yaojing Wang (Peking University) |
10:40-11:10 |
Can All Humans Benefit from AI Assistance? Relative Advantage and Algorithm Aversion |
Zeyang Chen (Renmin University of China ) |
11:10-11:40 |
The Tenure-Track System and Academic Research Productivity: Evidence from Reforms in Chinese Universities |
Wei Huang (Peking University)
Session II (Chair: Fei Wang, Renmin University of China & GLO) |
13:30-14:30 |
研究经验分享与交流 |
Wei Huang (Peking University) |
14:30-15:00 |
Internal Migration and Labor Market Outcomes of Natives in Urban China: Evidence from Hukou Reform |
张文杰(中国人民大学) 点评人:王非(中国人民大学) |
15:00-15:30 |
Housing Prices Effects on Spousal Age Gap and Delayed Marriage: Evidence from Chinese Housing Boom 程怡璇(中国人民大学) 点评人:王非(中国人民大学) |
15:30-16:00 |
环保税开征对就业的影响--基于A股上市公司的准自然实验 |
位晓琳(中国人民大学) 点评人:邹先强(中国人民大学) |
16:00-16:30 |
制造业招工难与新经济就业潮:智能化与数字化如何影响劳动力产业间配置 |
郭晴(中国人民大学) 点评人:邹先强(中国人民大学)
16:30-16:35 |
Closing Remarks Xiangbo Liu (Renmin University of China) |