



赌博网站大全导航站 劳动经济学双周学术论坛第214期讲座通知 发布时间:2024.11.29

讲座题目:Information Asymmetries in College Admissions

内容简介:This paper provides quasi-experimental evidence on the value of information provision in centralized college admissions. The variation in access to information stems from a batched dynamic matching mechanism adopted in the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia. Students are grouped into batches based on test scores and face different deadlines to finalize their choice submission: students just above the cutoffs (JACs) finalize their choices along with their higher-scoring peers and thus only observe the tentative choices, whereas students just below the cutoffs (JBCs) can observe the finalized choices of higher-scoring peers. Using administrative data linked with university post-graduation outcomes, we find that JBCs are more likely to apply for colleges considered reach options and are admitted to significantly more selective colleges. These colleges are more likely to be out-of-province and with graduates having higher starting salaries and higher graduate school attendance rates. The effects are more pronounced near batch cutoffs where access to such information is more important.

主讲人:康乐 特任副研究员(南京大学教育研究院)




主持人:王非 副教授



康乐,现任南京大学教育研究院特任副研究员。2018年毕业于北京大学教育学院,获教育经济与管理博士学位。主要研究方向为教育经济学、劳动经济学,近期关注领域包括中国的高考录取以及早期儿童发展。成果发表于Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific等学术刊物,曾获教育部第六届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖三等奖。