



赌博网站大全导航站 40周年院庆系列学术讲座暨劳动经济学双周学术论坛第200期讲座通知 发布时间:2023.10.20

讲座题目:The Evolution of Inequality in Education Trajectories and Graduation Outcomes in the U.S.

内容简介:We model the joint distribution of (i) individual education trajectories, defined by the allocation of time (semesters) between various combinations of school enrollment with different labor supply modalities and periods of school interruption devoted either to employment or home production and (ii) actual graduation outcomes using two cohorts of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youths which we follow from 16 to 28. We discuss the evolution of family income and ability effects where the latter are decomposed into an academic (cognitive) and a practical (technical-mechanical) latent ability factor component correlated with family income and background variables. We find that the individual cognitive-technical ability differential prevailing at 16 was increasing with income in the early 80’s but much less so in the early 2000’s. We find no evidence of any income-based “trajectory inequality” in either cohort, after conditioning on abilities. Among all graduation and enrollment outcomes, college graduation is the only for which the effect of income has increased between the 1980’s and the early 2000’s but it reached a level no more important than the high school graduation income effect. In both cohorts, cognitive and technical abilities were the dominant factors but they affect most dimensions of individual trajectories and all graduation outcomes in opposite directions. However, the cognitive ability factor lost half of its effect on college graduation while the impact of the technical-mechanical factor has been more stable across cohorts.

主讲人:刘兴飞 副教授(加拿大阿尔伯塔大学经济系)




主持人:赵丽秋 教授



刘兴飞,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学经济系劳动经济学副教授。他的研究通过估算劳动力市场干预措施的效果来指导公共政策。他对任何能改善移民、少数民族或妇女等弱势群体劳动力市场成果的经济政策都很感兴趣。最近,他的研究重点是美国和加拿大移民的经济融合以及发达国家的移民政策。他还一直在研究人力资本积累及其与其他劳动力市场结果的动态关系。他的研究成果发表在《Quantitative Economics》、《Journal of Population Economics》、《Canadian Journal of Economics》等期刊上。