



赌博网站大全导航站 40周年院庆系列学术讲座暨劳动经济学双周学术论坛第204期讲座通知 发布时间:2023.12.13

讲座题目:The Lasting Impacts of Middle School Principals

内容简介:We use Texas administrative data on schooling, employment and engagement with the criminal justice system to estimate the impact of middle-school principals on post-secondary schooling, employment and criminal justice outcomes. The pattern of results highlights the importance of school leadership in the development of the skills that improve longer-term outcomes, though striking differences emerge in the relative importance of different skill dimensions to different outcomes. The estimates reveal large and highly significant effects of principal value-added to cognitive skills on college attendance, college persistence, and strong engagement to productivity activities but much weaker effects of value added to noncognitive skills and these outcomes. In contrast, there is little or no evidence that middle school principals affect the probability a male is arrested, has a guilty finding or is incarcerated by raising cognitive skills but strong evidence that they affect these outcomes through their impacts on noncognitive skills, especially those related to the probability of an out of school suspension. In addition, the principal effects on the probability of engagement in the criminal justice system are much larger for Black than for non-Black males, corresponding to race differences in engagement with the criminal justice system.

主讲人:Steven Rivkin教授(美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校经济学系系主任)




主持人:王雪凝 讲师



Steven Rivkin教授,现任美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校经济学系系主任、美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校John F. Kain教育研究中心主任,并兼任美国国家经济研究局(NBER)和德国CES-IFO研究所研究员。Rivkin教授长期从事教育经济学和教育社会学领域的研究,研究课题涵盖教育者效力与劳动力市场、美国特许学校、问责制、班级规模、同伴效应和教学时间等多个领域。他的研究多聚焦于美国,也曾撰写关于智利和中欧教育问题的文章。他近期的研究着眼于学校校长和人事改革;此外,他关于学术流动性的课题最近获得了美国国家科学基金会(NSF)的资助。Rivkin教授曾担任政府咨询委员会和工作组委员,并兼任阿默斯特地区学校董事会成员(Amherst Regional School Boards)。他本科毕业于美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan), 并于加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California- Los Angeles)获得经济学博士学位。