讲座题目:Anti-stigma organizing in the age of social media: A social movement approach
摘要:Stigmatization is pervasive in society. Stigma may arise from the core attributes of a social group, such as race, nationality, religion, class, sexuality, and disability, which can induce significant negative impacts on group members. Whereas the stigma management literature has explored strategies for stigmatized groups to cope with their stigma, less is known about how they can organize to proactively combat it. We contend that social media—a key feature of the “new normal”—have undermined the most used coping strategies, while offering powerful platforms for stigmatized groups to organize through collective action. We propose a social movement approach to combating group stigma built upon two core elements. First, we theorize how the diffusion of social media has led to the emergence of new mobilizing structures that create opportunities for anti-stigma social movement organizations (SMOs) to organize for change. Second, we theorize how anti-stigma SMOs can leverage framing processes to build solidarity with audiences, thereby altering how tainted groups are evaluated. We contribute to the stigma management literature by conceptualizing a proactive approach to combating stigma, and to social movement scholarship by offering a novel framework for understanding the relationship between framing, solidarity, and the social evaluation of stigmatized groups.
主讲人:汪少卿 助理教授(亚利桑那州立大学)
讲座方式:线上腾讯会议 217-285-673
汪少卿(Milo Wang),亚利桑那州立大学管理与创业系助理教授,毕业于阿尔伯塔大学,获得管理学博士学位。研究专注于公司治理、危机管理、数字化转型和企业可持续发展。已在Academy of Management Journal,Academy of Management Review,Academy of Management Annals,Annual Review of Sociology等期刊上发表多篇学术论文。目前担任Organization Studies和Management and Organization Review的编辑委员会成员。