题目:Family as a socio-economic actor: Insights from a new research agenda
主讲人:Dr. Antonios Roumpakis, University of York
主持人:郭瑜副教授,赌博网站大全导航站 社会保障系主任
地点:赌博网站大全导航站 教二2115教室
Content: The presentation will review published and current research on reconceptualising family as a “socio-economic actor”. This research emanates from a comparative social policy perspective and intersects with work from economic anthropology, historical institutionalism, development studies, critical law/governance analysis and (mainly feminist) political economy. The presentation comprises three sections. First, it explores the importance of family, including gender hierarchies, as a welfare provider. Utilising indices and set-theoretical research approaches, it captures the importance of family and, in particularly, women for providing care. The use of secondary and administrative data allows both temporal and spatial comparisons which identify resemblances among seemingly diverse and distant regions (e.g. South Europe, South & South East Asia). In identifying these resemblances, the research aims to develop a new theoretical perspective explaining the importance of family both as welfare provider and as an economic actor. The second part of the presentation draws on the theoretical work of Karl Polanyi and puts forward a new theoretical schema that aims to capture how the family consolidates and mobilises the necessary financial, emotional and symbolic resources to protects its members. The presentation will focus on empirical evidence capturing family strategies utilising a range of
methodological approaches including cross-national empirical data and interviews to illustrate aspects of the proposed conceptual synthesis. In the third part, the presentation puts forward a new research agenda that treats the terrain of family’s collective agency as a separate level of analysis and examines the main conceptual and methodological challenges ahead.
Dr. Roumpakis is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Comparative Social Policy, the Deputy Director of Graduate School; the Director of MA Social Policy, the MA Comparative and International Social Policy, and the MRes Social Policy programmes, all at the University of York. His research and teaching interests are in the comparative political economy of the welfare state; comparative political economy of the Europe Union; familistic welfare capitalism; governance and power approaches to welfare; historical institutionalism; and comparative research methods. He has recently published articles on family as a socio-economic actor and the impact of austerity on South European middle class. His current research focuses on the political economy of “familistic” welfare regimes, debt and welfare austerity.