



劳动经济学双周学术论坛第147期讲座通知 发布时间:2020.09.23

讲座题目:Clans and Calamity: How Social Capital Saved Lives during China’s Great Famine

摘要This paper examines the role of social capital in disaster relief during China’s Great Famine of 1958-1961. We use the number of genealogies—books recording family trees—as a proxy for family clans, one of the most important vehicles of social capital in rural China. Using a county-year panel from 1954 to 1966, we employ a double-difference identification strategy that exploits the timing of the famine and the cross-sectional differences in the pre-famine measures of social capital. We find that the rise in the mortality rate over time is significantly less in counties with a higher clan density. A nationally representative household survey corroborates this finding. Investigation of potential mechanisms suggests that social capital’s impact on famine may have operated through enabling collective action against excessive government procurement. These results indicate that social capital can reduce the damage of faulty government policies in times of crisis.

主讲人:张川 副教授中央财经大学



讲座方式线上腾讯会议 ID:432 526 619 会议密码:0930

主持人:王非 副教授



张川中央财经大学经济学院副教授、博士生导师,2013年博士毕业于北京大学国家发展研究院,获经济学博士学位,曾任哈佛大学经济系访问研究员和世界银行总行研究顾问。他的研究方向为健康经济学、公共经济学和劳动经济学,研究兴趣包括老龄问题和社会保障、健康状况的决定因素和影响、文化观念与经济行为等。他的研究成果发表于AEJ:AE, Demography, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Health Economics, 《中国社会科学》《经济研究》、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》、《金融研究》等国内外期刊,研究成果被《新华文摘》、《社会科学文摘》和人大复印报刊资料等刊物转载十余次,研究成果获得北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(一等奖)。