



赌博网站大全导航站 40周年院庆系列学术讲座暨劳动经济学双周学术论坛第186期讲座通知 发布时间:2023.04.11

讲座题目:Jobseekers’ Beliefs about Comparative Advantage and (Mis)Directed Search

摘要:Worker sorting into tasks and occupations based on their skills plays a potentially important role in aggregate labor productivity.This sorting may be inefficient if jobseekers do not apply to jobs that match their skills.We test this idea by studying how jobseekers' beliefs about their skills affect their job search activities and labor market outcomes.We assess communication and numeracy skills for two samples of young South African jobseekers to identify their comparative advantage across these skills. Self-perceived and measured comparative advantage persistently differ for many of these jobseekers.In a framed field experiment, giving jobseekers their skill assessment results reduce differences between perceived and measured skills.This leads jobseekers to redirect their search toward jobs whose skill demand matches their comparative advantage in multiple search measures: an incentive-compatible job choice task where workers choose across jobs with different skill requirements, detailed usage data from an online job search platform, and self-reported search plans.In a larger field experiment with a longer follow-up period, treatment has similar effects on beliefs and directed search and substantially raises earnings and job quality, although not their employment rate.These patterns are consistent with models of endogenously directed job search, where jobseekers' beliefs about their skills influence where they direct job applications and hence the wages they are offered.

主讲人:Lukas Hensel 助理教授(北京大学)




主持人:陈泽阳 博士



Lukas Hensel is an Assistant Professor in Economics at Guanghua School of Management at Peking University. He investigates how (biased) beliefs and labor market frictions affect job-seekers and firms in urban labor markets in developing countries. One forthcoming publication examines how income shocks affect the suicide rate in Indonesia. New work examines the role of information for inclusive hiring decisions in Ethiopia and of knowledge about one’s own ability in job search in South Africa.

Lukas previously held the post of a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. He holds a DPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford. He previously obtained a MPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford and a BSc in International Economics from the University of Tübingen.