讲座题目:Supervisor Interpersonal Justice and Worker Turnover Intention in Global Supply Chains: Evidence from Bangladesh Garment Factories
摘要:Research on labor standards in global supply chains have focused on the dynamics of global or national level regulatory programs and how they may or fail to improve working conditions for workers at export factories. Less is known about how supervisors can improve outcomes for individual workers. This paper draws on organizational justice literature to analyzes the effects of supervisor interpersonal justice (SIJ)—treating workers with respect and propriety—and how these effects are shaped by labor rights institutions at the workplace and external environment. Specifically, we hypothesize that SIJ reduces workers turnover intention directly and indirectly through engendering positive affect. We further propose that the effects of SIJ are amplified by the presence of worker collective voice mechanism at the workplace and external monitoring program which may facilitate more personal and stable enactment of SIJ and favorable worker attributions. Analysis of survey data from 1,500 garment workers in Bangladesh support most of our hypotheses. The findings reveal the important influence of supervisor treatment of workers as well as its synergy with workplace worker voice mechanism and external regulatory programs.
个人简介:博士,伦敦政治经济学院 (London School of Economics and Political Science)劳动关系与人力资源系助理教授。研究方向为全球供应链中的劳工标准、中国劳动关系。 曾多次在Industrial and Labor Relations Review and British Journal of Industrial Relations等国际知名期刊发表论文。2016年获得美国劳动关系协会“最佳博士论文奖”,2022年获得该协会“最佳国际论文奖”。
参加方式:线下参会 中国人民大学求是楼 343会议室
线上参会 腾讯会议 190-185-397
主持人:张皓 赌博网站大全导航站 副教授