



赌博网站大全导航站 40周年院庆系列学术讲座暨人力资源管理系2023年春季学期半月谈学术论坛(第106期) 发布时间:2023.05.18

讲座主题“Governing environmental investment: General reputation, specific reputation, and institutional contexts

主讲人:颜示硼 助理教授(香港大学)


讲座方式:线上腾讯会议ID 538-304-542


主持人:毛凯贤 讲师






Abstract: Climate change and pollution are pressing grand challenges. With a growing number of environmental policies and activism, stakeholders have become more attentive to a firm’s environmental behavior than they used to. Environmentalism begins to be seen by stakeholders as a social evaluation criterion when they assess corporate reputation. However, less is known about whether and how a good reputation—and which type of reputation—might affect a firm’s environmental investment. Using a difference-in-difference approach in the context of China’s Green Finance campaign after 2017, we find that an exogenous increase in political pressure and incentive for environmentalism prompts firms to make more environmental investments. However, a higher general reputation of a firm dampens the positive relationship between the political campaign and the firm’s environmental investment (unbridling effect), whereas a higher specific reputation in environmentalism further heightens the positive relationship (constraining effect). Moreover, the constraining effect will be amplified and the unbridling effect will be weakened when the local government is more capable of exerting political pressure on the firms or when there is a higher level of civic environmental activism in the region. Our study contributes to a more nuanced understanding of how and why different types of corporate reputation affect a firm’s environmental behavior as well as how such effects are shaped by institutional contexts.


颜示硼博士现为香港大学商学院助理教授,拥有香港大学商学院工商管理学学士学位、西班牙IESE商学院博士学位。颜示硼博士从组织理论的角度研究环境、社会和治理(ESG)问题,研究不同社会价值和制度的杂糅对组织的影响,包括社会责任投资和企业的动态环保能力等。其成果发表于《Administrative Science Quarterly》、《Organization Science》和《Journal of International Business Studies》等顶级期刊。颜示硼博士目前还担任《Organization & Environment》期刊的副主编。