



“人力资源管理系2024年春季学期半月谈”学术论坛第122期讲座通知 发布时间:2024.06.03

讲座主题:How to integrate Chinese and Western perspectives on managerial paradoxes?

主讲人:Josh Keller(柯䕒希)新南威尔士大学副教授




主持人:陈雯 赌博网站大全导航站 讲师


Paradox theory has recently emerged as an important conceptual and empirical framework for examining persistent, interrelated contradictions in organizations, spanning multiple levels of analyses from individuals to teams to organizations to fields to societies. Unlike scholars engaged in most contemporary theories on organizations, paradox theory scholars have long emphasized that classical Chinese philosophy, especially Taoist philosophy, is a foundational element of the theory. However, integrating Chinese and Western perspectives on paradox theory, in practice, has been, in itself paradoxical. Some of the challenges reflect differences between emic (i.e., from the culture’s perspective) and etic (i.e., from outside the culture’s perspective) approaches, which are commonly found in other literature. Some issues, however, reflect underlying contradictions within the specific theory, such as the relationship between normative and descriptive features of the theory. Other issues reflect the challenges of studying paradox empirically.In this seminar, AProf Keller will introduce paradox theory and its application for studying organizations and related disciplines, discuss Chinese and Western approaches to the theory, the challenges in integrating the perspectives, and suggestions for how to move forward. The seminar is not only aimed at scholars interested in paradox theory, but also other scholars interested in how to integrate Western and non-Western theories of organizations.



Josh Keller is Associate Professor of Management and Governance at UNSW Sydney. He is the founder of the Paradox Research Education and Practice Community, which connects paradox scholars around the globe. His research has been published in many top-tier journals, including theAcademy of Management Journal,Organization Science,Organization Studies,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,Human Relations,Journal of Business Venturing, andJournal of Business Ethics. Before receiving his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin, AProf Keller studied Chinese philosophy at Peking University and Nanjing University and worked in the telecommunications and internet sectors in China.

本次学术讲座由赌博网站大全导航站 主办,中国人民大学商学院、首都经济贸易大学工商管理学院、北京联合大学管理学院协办。