讲座题目:Spillovers of Program Benefits under Mismeasured Networks
摘要:In studies of program evaluation under network interference, correctly measuring spillovers of the intervention is crucial for making appropriate policy recommendations. However, increasing empirical evidence has shown that network links are often measured with errors. This paper explores the identification and estimation of treatment and spillover effects when the network is mismeasured. I propose a novel method to nonparametrically point-identify the treatment and spillover effects, when two network observations are available. The method can deal with a large network with missing or misreported links and possesses several attractive features: (i) it allows heterogeneous treatment and spillover effects; (ii) it does not rely on modeling network formation or its misclassification probabilities; and (iii) it accommodates samples that are correlated in overlapping ways. A semiparametric estimation approach is proposed, and the analysis is applied to study the spillover effects of an insurance information program on the insurance adoption decisions.
讲座方式:线上腾讯会议ID: 925 766 661 会议密码:0609
主持人:陈轩 副教授
张丽娜(Lina Zhang),博士毕业于莫纳什大学计量经济学与商业统计系,即将于九月入职阿姆斯特丹大学担任助理教授职务。主要研究方向为微观计量经济学和应用计量经济学。研究兴趣主要集中于项目评估领域,包括网络模型、测量误差模型的识别和估计,以及处理效应的局部识别。已有研究发表于Economics Letters.
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