




职称职务:副教授 办公房间:求是楼123 办公电话:62510320 电子邮箱:[email protected] 所属教研室:社会保障







2010-2015  香港中文大学社会工作学系社会福利博士

2009-2010  香港中文大学社会工作学系社会政策硕士

2005-2009  南开大学周恩来政府管理学院法学学士


2015-现在  赌博网站大全导航站 社会保障系讲师、副教授



[1]Liu, K. The Effects of Social Health Insurance Reform on People’s Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure in China[M]. Singapore: Springer,2016.


[1]Liu, K., Wang, T., Bai, C., & Liu, L. Strengthening local governance in health financing in China: A text-mining analysis of policy changes between 2009 and 2020[J]. Health Policy and Planning, in press.

[2]Liu, K., Zhang, Q., & He, A.J. The impacts of multiple healthcare reforms on catastrophic health spending for poor households in China[J]. Social Science & Medicine,2021,285:114271.

[3]Lu, C., Cuartas, J., Fink, G, McCoy, D., Liu, K., Li, Z., Daelmans, & Richter, L. Inequalities in early childhood care and development in low- and middle-income countries: 2010-2018[J]. BMJ Global Health, 2020,5:e002314.

[4]Wu, Q., Zhang, H., Li, Z., & Liu, K. Labor control in the gig economy: Evidence from Uber in China[J]. Journal of Industrial Relations,2019,61(4):574-596.

[5]Liu, K., Subramanian, S.V., & Lu, C. Assessing national and subnational inequalities in medical care utilization and financial risk protection in Rwanda[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health,2019,18:51.

[6]Liu, K., Benjamin, C. & Lu, C. Health inequality and community-based health insurance: A case study of rural Rwanda with repeated cross-sectional data[J]. International Journal of Public Health,2019,64(1):7-14.

[7]Liu, K., & He, A.J. Able to purchase? Agency problems in China’s social health insurance system and the pitfalls of third-party strategic purchasing[J]. International Journal of Health Planning and Management,2019,33:1045-1059.

[8]Liu, K., Lu, C. Decomposing health inequality with population-based surveys: A case study in Rwanda[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health,2018,17:57.

[9]Liu, K., Yang, J., & Lu, C. Is the medical financial assistance program an effective supplement to social health insurance for low-income households in China? A cross-sectional study[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health,2017,16:138.

[10]Lu, C., Liu, K., Li, L., & Yang, Y. Sensitivity of measuring the progress in financial risk protection to survey design and its socioeconomic and demographic determinants: A case study in Rwanda[J]. Social Science & Medicine,2017,178:11-18.

[11]Liu, J., Liu, K., & Huang, Y. Transferring from the poor to the rich: Examining the regressive redistribution in Chinese social insurance programmes[J]. International Journal of Social Welfare,2016,25:199-210.

[12]Liu, X., Wong, H., & Liu, K. Outcome-based health equity across different social health insurance schemes for the elderly in China[J]. BMC Health Services Research,2016,16(9):1-12.

[13]Liu, K., Wu, Q., & Liu, J. Examining the association between social health insurance participation and patients’ out-of-pocket payments in China: The role of institutional arrangement[J]. Social Science & Medicine,2014,113:95-103.








2014-2015  哈佛大学医学院富布莱特青年访问学者

2013-2013  加州大学伯克利分校社会福利学院青年访问学者



(2)赌博网站大全导航站 2016级社会保障硕士班主任

(3)赌博网站大全导航站 2019级劳动与社会保障本科班主任


2018年  International Journal of Public Health Best Paper Award

2017年  中国人民大学杰出学者青年B岗

2014年  Fulbright-RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Award Program

2013年  香港中文大学Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence