




职称职务:教授 办公房间:求是楼339 办公电话: 010-82502209 电子邮箱:[email protected] 所属教研室:劳动经济

赌博网站大全导航站 劳动经济系教授,劳动经济系主任,国家发展与战略研究院研究员,经济学博士















1. Public Long-term care insurance and consumption of elderly households: Evidence from China (with Hong Liu and Jinqiu Ma),  Journal of Health Economics , 2023, 90, 102759.

2. Does a “bad apple” spoil the bunch? The impact of low-achieving students on non-cognitive outcomes (with Li Li),  China Economic Review , 2022, 76, 101875.

3. Gender Social Norms and Gender Gap in Math: Evidence and Mechanisms (with Can Tang),  Applied Economics , 2023.

4. Welfare developmentalism with interactive central–local relations: Understanding the recent expansion in pension coverage in China (with Yu Guo),  Social Policy Administration , 2022, 56(6), 891–909.

5. “Protective Effect of Adult Children's Education on Parental Survival in China: Gender Differences and Underlying Mechanisms” (with Ying Cui and Hong Liu),  Social Science & Medicine , 2021, 277, 113908.

6. "Disruptive Peers in the Classroom and Students’ Academic Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanisms" (with Zhong Zhao),  Labour Economics , 2021, 68, 101954.

7. “Education and Gender Role Attitudes” (with Huichao Du and Yun Xiao),  Journal of Population   Economics , 2021, 34, 475–513.

8. Liqiu Zhao, Fei Wang and Zhong Zhao, “Trade Liberalization and Child Labor in China”,  China Economic   Review , 2021, 65, 101575.

9. “Does free education help combat child labor? The effect of a free compulsory education reform in rural China” (with Can Tang and Zhong Zhao),  Journal of Population Economics , 2020, 33, 601–631.

10. “Mother’s education and child development: Evidence from the Compulsory School Reform in China” (with Ying Cui and Hong Liu),  Journal of Comparative Economics , 2019, 47(3), 669–692.

11.  “The impact of Chinese Hukou reforms on migrant students' cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes” (with Yu Guo),  Children and Youth Services Review , 2019, 101, 341–351.

12. “Unintended consequences of China's new labor contract law on unemployment and welfare loss of the workers” (with Randall Akee and Zhong Zhao),  China Economic Review , 2019, 53, 87–105.

13. “Do Only Children Have Poor Vision: Evidence from China’s One Child Policy” (with Minghai Zhou),  Health Economics , 2018, 27(7), 1131–1146.

14. “Child Labor in China” (with Can Tang and Zhong Zhao),  China Economic Review , 2018, 51, 149–166.

15. “New Trends in Internal Migration in China: Profiles of the New-generation Migrants” (with Shouying Liu and Wei Zhang),  China & World Economy , 2018, 26(1), 18-41.

16. “Education on the cheap: The long-run effects of a free compulsory education reform in rural china” (with Yun Xiao and Li Li),  Journal of Comparative Economics , 2017, 45(3), 544–562.

17. “Can the minimum living standard guarantee scheme enable the poor to escape the poverty trap in rural China?”(with Yu Guo and Ting Shao),  International Journal of Social Welfare , 2017, 26(4), 314–328.

18. “Does Local Social Capital Deter Labor Migration? Evidence from Rural China” (with Xianguo Yao),  Applied Economics , 2017, 49(43), 4363–4377.

19. “China’s Family Planning Policies and Their Labor Market Consequences” (with Fei Wang and Zhong Zhao),  Journal of Population Economics , 2017, 30(1), 31–68.

20.  “Does Everybody Need Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching” (with Wouter Torfs),  Regional Science and Urban Economics , 2015, 55, 39–54.

21. “What Determines Pension Insurance Participation in China? Triangulation and the Intertwined Relationship among Employers, Employees and the Government” (with Yu Guo, Mo Tian, Keqing Han, and Karl Johnson),  The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 2016, 27(18), 2142–2160.

22. 王天宇、高秋明、赵丽秋,医药分开改革中的供方行为:基于医保住院赔付记录的分析,《世界经济》,2021年第3期。


2021年11月6日,于上海华东师范大学参加2021年应用经济学前沿论坛,并报告文章“Parental Labor Supply and Child Health: Evidence from the Workweek Reduction Policy in China”。

2020年12月23日,于中国人民大学社会人口学院报告文章“Culture and Gender Gap in Math:Evidence and Mechanisms”。

2017年12月16-17日,于暨南大学参加2017现代劳动经济学国际研讨会, 并报告文章“Does Education Shape Gender Role Attitudes? Evidence from China”。

2017年12月9日,于北京参加第9届人力资本和劳动力市场国际研讨会,并报告文章“Free Education Helps Combat Child Labor? The Effect of a Free Compulsory Education Reform in Rural China”。

2016年6月3日-4日,于成都参加2016 Regional Urban and Spatial Economics conference,并报告文章“A Gravity model of migration: estimating dialect boarder effects in China”。

2016年3月31日-4月1日,于美国华盛顿参加2016年美国人口学年会,并报告文章“Trade Liberalization and Child Labor in China”。

2015年12月,于厦门参加2015 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics,并报告文章“Unemployment and Its Effects on Unhappiness: Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”。

2015年1月2日-5日,于美国波士顿参加2015年美国经济学年会,并报告文章“Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”。

2014年7月18-19日,于德国波恩参加第6届IZA/CIER Annual Workshop on Research in Labor Economics,并报告文章“Does Public Health Insurance Crowd Out Private Transfer? Evidence from China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme”。

2013年12月7-8日,于厦门参加2013 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics,并报告文章“Everybody Needs Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”。

2013年6月,于北京参加第1届Econometric Society China Meeting,并报告文章“Everybody Needs Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”。

2013年5月17-19日,于美国波士顿参加第10届Annual International Industrial Organization Conference,并报告文章“Adjustment Costs in Capital and Labor”。

2012 第17届青年经济学家春季会议 (SMYE),曼海姆,德国

2011 第58届北美区域科学协会年会,迈阿密,美国

2011 第51届欧洲区域科学协会年会,巴塞罗那,西班牙

2011 CEPR-JIE应用产业组织年会,特拉维夫,以色列

2011 Belgian Day for Labor Economists,根特,比利时

2009 第六届关于利用微观数据的实证研究的CWE国际研讨会,北京,中国








China Economic Review; Economic Development and Cultural Change; Economic Inquiry; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Health Economics; Journal of Human Resources; Journal of Population Economics; Journal of Public Economics; Regional Science and Urban Economics; The RAND Journal of Economics;World Development;经济学(季刊)


2021年11月6日,于上海华东师范大学参加2021年应用经济学前沿论坛,并报告文章“Parental Labor Supply and Child Health: Evidence from the Workweek Reduction Policy in China”。

2020年12月23日,于中国人民大学社会人口学院报告文章“Culture and Gender Gap in Math:Evidence and Mechanisms”。

2017年12月16-17日,于暨南大学参加2017现代劳动经济学国际研讨会, 并报告文章“Does Education Shape Gender Role Attitudes? Evidence from China”。

2017年12月9日,于北京参加第9届人力资本和劳动力市场国际研讨会,并报告文章“Free Education Helps Combat Child Labor? The Effect of a Free Compulsory Education Reform in Rural China”。

2016年6月3日-4日,于成都参加2016 Regional Urban and Spatial Economics conference,并报告文章“A Gravity model of migration: estimating dialect boarder effects in China”。

2016年3月31日-4月1日,于美国华盛顿参加2016年美国人口学年会,并报告文章“Trade Liberalization and Child Labor in China”。

2015年12月,于厦门参加2015 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics,并报告文章“Unemployment and Its Effects on Unhappiness: Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”。

2015年1月2日-5日,于美国波士顿参加2015年美国经济学年会,并报告文章“Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”。

2014年7月18-19日,于德国波恩参加第6届IZA/CIER Annual Workshop on Research in Labor Economics,并报告文章“Does Public Health Insurance Crowd Out Private Transfer? Evidence from China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme”。

2013年12月7-8日,于厦门参加2013 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics,并报告文章“Everybody Needs Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”。

2013年6月,于北京参加第1届Econometric Society China Meeting,并报告文章“Everybody Needs Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”。

2013年5月17-19日,于美国波士顿参加第10届Annual International Industrial Organization Conference,并报告文章“Adjustment Costs in Capital and Labor”。

2012 第17届青年经济学家春季会议 (SMYE),曼海姆,德国



China Economic Review; Economic Development and Cultural Change; Economic Inquiry; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Journal of Health Economics; Journal of Human Resources; Journal of Population Economics; Journal of Public Economics; Regional Science and Urban Economics; The RAND Journal of Economics;World Development;经济学(季刊)


2017 中国人民大学教学优秀奖

2012 第17届青年经济学家的 春季会议 (SMYE)最佳论文奖,“Does Everybody Need Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”,曼海姆,德国

2008-2012 博士生奖学金,鲁汶大学,比利时

2007-2008 LMU-CSC奖学金

2007 利兹大学Postgraduate Research Summer School支助,英国

2006 宗庆后奖学金,浙江大学

2005 经济学院最佳学位论文,浙江大学