




职称职务:副教授 办公房间:求是楼227 办公电话:82504628 电子邮箱:[email protected] 所属教研室:劳动关系





2023- 至今 中国人民大学,赌博网站大全导航站 ,副教授

2019-2023 中国人民大学,赌博网站大全导航站 ,助理教授





2014-2019 北京大学,光华管理学院,博士

2017-2018 华盛顿大学,福斯特商学院,联合培养博士

2012-2014 美国霍夫斯特拉大学,硕士

2007-2011 加拿大温尼伯大学,学士


(* Denotes corresponding author)

1. Chen, L., Zhang, S., Hu, X., Liu, S., & Lan, R. (2024). Does political skill promote knowledge hiding? An impression management perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(6):1632-1647.

2. Chen, L., Liu, H., Zhou, Z., Chen, M., & Chen, Y. (2022). IT-business alignment, big data analytics capability, and strategic decision-making: Moderating roles of event criticality and disruption of COVID-19. Decision Support Systems, 161,113745.

3. Xie,Q., Xu,Q., Chen, L.,* Jin, X., Li, S., Li, Y.(2022). Efficiency Evaluation of China's Listed Commercial Banks Based on a Multi-period Leader-follower Model. Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 110, 102615.

4. Chen, L., Guo, M., Li, Y., Liang,L., Salo,A.(2021) Efficiency intervals, rank intervals and dominance relations of decision-making units with fixed-sum outputs. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(1):238-249.

5. Chen, L., Zheng, B., Liu, H., Deng,M.(2021) The three-way interaction effect of social media usage, perceived task interdependence, and perceived participative leadership on employee creativity. Internet Research, 31(2):457-478.

6. Chen, L., Liu, S., Wang, Y., & Hu, X. (2021) Leader humble behavior and team creativity: The team learning perspective. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 36(3):272-284.

7. Guo, L., Mao, J., Chiang, J.T. Wang,Z., & Chen,L.(2021) Working hard or hardly working? How supervisor’s liking of employee affects interpretations of employee working overtime and performance ratings. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(4):1561-1586.

8. Mao, J. Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., & Liu, X. (2019). Consequences of supervisor self-interested behavior: a moderated mediation. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(3): 126-138.

9. Mao, J. Y., Chiang, J. T., Chen, L., Wu, Y., & Wang, J. (2018). Feeling safe? A conservation of resources perspective examining the interactive effect of leader competence and leader self‐serving behavior on team performance. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92: 52-73.

10. 陈力凡,刘圣明,胡小丽.(2022). 社会认同视角下谦卑型领导与员工主动性行为.管理科学学报.(10)104-115.

11. 刘圣明,陈力凡* ,王思迈.(2018). 满招损, 谦受益:团队沟通视角下谦卑型领导行为对团队创造力的影响.心理学报.(10)1159-1168 .(*通讯作者)


1. Ma, Y., Wang, X., Yang, Q., Liu, Z., Chen, L. (2024) The Co-Evolution Dynamics of Multi-Agent Collaboration Network in the Emerging Industry: A Stochastic Actor-Oriented Model in the Field of Quantum Computing. Accepted by 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

2. Wang, X., Yang, Q., Liu, Z., Liu, J., Chen, L. (2024) Does Disruptive Preference Matter for Team Innovation? The Conditional Effects of Compiled Disruptive Preference in Scientific Research Teams. Accepted by 2024 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

3. Na, E., Chen, L., Wang, X., Yang, Q., Liu, J. (2024) Effects and Mechanisms of Algorithmic Management on Job Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Accepted by 2024 POMS International Conference in China, Hefei, China.

4. Ma, Y., Ming, Y., Yang, Q., Wang, X., Chen, L. (2023) The Dual Impact of Formal-Informal Knowledge Sharing Congruence on Employees’ Technology Adaptation in Digital Enablement: A Perspective from Adaptive Structuration Theory. Accepted by 2023 POMS International Conference in China, Hangzhou, China.

5. Zhang, S., Chen, L., Stein, A. (2022) The Ripple Effect: How Leader Workplace Anxiety Shapes Follower Job Performance.  2022 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM),  Seattle, WA.

6. Liu, S., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Wu, H.Y., & Chen, L. (2020) Humble Leader Behavior and its Effects on Performance in Teams. Accepted by  2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM),  Vancouver, B.C.

7. Zhang, L., Chen, L., Hu, X. (2020) Norm-Making and Globalizing Actors in Multinational Companies. (Symposium) Accepted by  2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM ), Vancouver, B.C.

8. Chen, L., Wang, Y., & Liu, S. (2018) Leader humble behavior and team creativity: The team learning perspective. Accepted by  2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) , Chicago, Illinois.

9. Mao,J.Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Chiang, T.(2018) Consequences of supervisor self-Interested behavior: A moderated mediation model. Accepted by  2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) , Chicago, Illinois.

10. Chen, L., Akutsu, S., Katsumura, F., Liu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Leading with emotional labor: Gender differences in leader emotional labor and employee performance. Accepted by  2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) , Atlanta, GA.

11. Mao,J.Y., Chen, L., Chiang, T. J. Wu, Y.Z. (2017). A resource view examining leader competence and self-serving behavior on team performance. Accepted by  2017 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) , Atlanta, GA.

12. Zhang, Y., Chiang, T. J., Chen, L., Guo, L. (2016). Love is over: The moderating role of relationship tenure on leader narcissism and LMX. Accepted by  2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) , Anaheim, CA.

13. Liu, S. M., Liu, X., Chen, L. & Guo, L. (2016). The benefits and costs of instant social media: An example of enterprise WeChat groups. Accepted by  International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR) , Hangzhou, China.

14. 陈力凡,刘圣明,胡小丽,张山杉。(2021)劳谦虚己,附之者众:身份认同理论视角下的谦卑型领导对员工主动行为的影响。  International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR) ,西安。

15. 刘圣明,王颖,陈力凡,郭宁。(2021)得人心者得天下:政治技能对非正式领导力的影响。 International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR) ,西安。

16. 张山杉,陈力凡,马英杰,纳尔江,明扬扬。(2022)网络政治参与下政府回应性现状及影响因素研究——基于全国网络问政平台的大数据分析。 中国管理学年会 ,南京。

17. 纳尔江,陈力凡,明扬扬,王轩晟,施歆悦。(2023)社会流动性、社会交换与网络直播成瘾行为——基于理性成瘾理论的实证研究。中国管理学年会,乌鲁木齐。




2021     标兵班主任 中国人民大学

2020     线上教学优秀本科课程 中国人民大学

2019     北京大学光华管理学院 优秀毕业生

2018     北京大学学术创新奖

2017     北京大学景柱奖学金

2016     北京大学学习优秀奖

2016     北京大学优秀助教奖