

ZHOU Wenxia


Qiushi Building 233


[email protected]

Human Resource Management, Career Development and Management

Zhou Wenxia is a distinguished professor at Renmin University of China's School of Labor and Human Resources and a doctoral supervisor. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics and serves as the Vice President of the China Association for HR Development Teaching and Practice, President of the Occupational Development and Management branch of the Labor Economics Association, and a specially appointed expert at the Beijing Talent Development Strategy Institute. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and California State University, Los Angeles.

Professor Zhou's research primarily focuses on organizational behavior, career management, and human resources management. She has published over 80 articles in Chinese and international journals. Her major works include studies on the structure and impact of career success in China, motivation in management, HR management, and several others. Zhou has led numerous national social science funds and Ministry of Education research projects and has provided management training and consulting for over 50 government and corporate entities.

Selected Publications

1. Zhou, W., Jiang, X., Khapova, S.N., Qu, J. (2023). Workplace-related negative career shocks on perceived employability: The role of networking behaviors and perceived career opportunities. Sustainability, 15(15), 1-12. (ISSN: 2071-1050)

2. Zhou, W., Zhao, Q., Jiang, N., & Lin, P. (2022). Organizational career management in the new career era: scale development and validation. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 60(4), 764-787. (ISSN: 1038-4111)

3. Zhao, Q., Cai, Z., Zhou, W., & Zang, L. (2022). Organizational career management: a review and future prospect. Career Development International, 27(3), 343-371. (ISSN: 1362-0436) (Corresponding author)

4. Zhou W., Pan Z., Jin Q., Feng Y. (2022). Impact of self-perceived employability on sustainable career development in times of COVID-19: Two mediating paths. Sustainability, 14(7), 1-16. (ISSN: 2071-1050)

5. Zhao Q., Zhou W. (2021). Good or Bad? The ambivalent leader-follower relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1-9. (ISSN:1664-1078) (Corresponding author)

6. Xu, Y., Liu, S., Li, R., Guan, Y., & Zhou, W. (2021). Self-consistency and self-determination perspectives of career value changes: A cross-lagged panel study among Chinese university students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 127, 1-12. (ISSN: 0001-8791) (Corresponding author)

7. Wei, S., Sial, S. M., Zhou, W., et al. (2021). Improving the environmental footprint through employees: A case of female leaders from the perspective of CSR. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1-23. (ISSN: 1660-4601) (Corresponding author)

8. Wei, S., He, Y., Zhou, W., et al. (2021). Death reflection and employee work behavior in the covid-19 new normal time: The role of duty orientation and work orientation. Sustainability, 13, 1-15. (ISSN: 2071-1050) (Corresponding author)

9. Xin L., Zhou W., Li M., Tang F. (2020). Career success criteria clarity as a predictor of employment outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1-11. (ISSN:1664-1078) (Corresponding author)

10. Xie B., Zhou W., Xia D., Guo, Y. (2019). What drives the trickle-down effect of calling orientation from supervisors to subordinates? The perspective of social learning theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-11. (ISSN:1664-1078) (Corresponding author)

11. Xu, Y., Guo, P., & Zhou, W. (2019). When does future work self predict work engagement: The boundary conditions of person-vocation fit and trust in supervisor. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 21(1), 23-36. (ISSN: 1462-3730) (Corresponding author)

12. Jiang X., Qu J., Lei M., Zhou W. (2023). How do proactive career behaviors translate into subjective career success and perceived employability? The role of thriving at work and humble leadership. Journal of Management & Organization. Published online 2023:1-17. (ISSN: 1839-3527)

13. Miao, R., Bozionelos, N., Zhou, W., & Newman, A. (2021). High-performance work systems and key employee attitudes: the roles of psychological capital and an interactional justice climate. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(2), 443-477. (ISSN: 0958-5192)

14. Gao X., Xin X., Zhou W., & Jepsen, D.M. (2019). Combine your "Will" and "Able": Career adaptability's influence on performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-11. (ISSN:1664-1078)

Xin, L., Li, M., Tang, F., Zhou, W., Wang, W. (2019). How does proactive personality promote affective well-being? A chained mediation model. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 21(1), 1-11. (ISSN: 1462-3730) (Corresponding author)